BWA and the Santa Clara Valley Health and Hospital System launch "We'll Text You Through It" promoting Crisis Text Line

On Monday May 27, 2019 the We'll Text You Through It campaign launched in Santa Clara County (SCC). This campaign was developed through the continued partnership between Better World Advertising (BWA) and Santa Clara Valley Helalth and Hospital System (SCVHHS), as part of the county's ongoing sucicide prevention efforts. This year's campaign is aimed at SCC residents ages 13-25, and seeks to raise awareness about the Crisis Text Line, which offers free and confiedential crisis counseling via text messaging 24/7. We'll Text You Through It, will feature four different creatives during a three month campaign. Each month of the campaign will be a different phase running one of the four ads. In the first two months one version of the ad will run on paid ads, while the last month will feature two different versions. The campaign will incorporate both paid ads via Facebook and Instagram newsfeed and story ads, Snapchat video ads, a banner ad in a Depatment of Motor Vehicle (DMV) located in Gilroy, VTA station posters, and a :30 radio spot on Pandora along with a banner ad. The campaign also has an organic media component that will have  relevant posts and images shared via SCVHHS social media channels on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. All media encourages the intended audience to text RENEW to 741741 for access to the counseling service.

For more information about the services offered visit