Girlfriends, Let’s Talk

To provide a forum and community support for the transgender community

Stop The Sores

To raise awareness about syphilis testing and treatment, and reduce syphilis transmission among men who have sex with men (MSM)
English and Spanish
71% of gay and bisexual men surveyed were aware of the Stop the Sores campaign and had been repeatedly exposed to it during the media run. 83% of respondents who were aware of the campaign said it was “very useful” or “somewhat useful.” Also, an increasing proportion of respondents reported syphilis testing in the previous six months by campaign awareness level.
Results File: 

HIV is No Picnic

To prevent the spread of HIV by reminding people that the disease and treatment for it have serious symptoms and side effects

HIV Stops With Me: I Believe…

To reduce HIV transmission and stigma

I Know My Son

To encourage mothers of African American men who have sex with men to talk with their sons about HIV/STD testing

Our Orange County

To prevent the spread of HIV among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Orange County

Bottoms Up

To prevent HIV by encouraging men to carry condoms and have a safe sex plan before drinking

Calling All Girls!

To prevent the spread of HIV in the transgender community

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

To empower young men who have sex with men (MSM) to prevent the spread of HIV by using condoms
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